Discover the way of the Desert Fathers and Mothers at our Desert Retreat on January 27th and 28th. This two-day event is designed for those seeking to break free from the false identities that culture is imposing on us. We'll explore the idea that our worth is not determined by what we do or our possessions but by God, who knows our deepest longings because he made us.
"The search for one's true self is a journey that can only be fully realized through a deep and intimate relationship with God. As Henri Nouwen wrote, 'We are called to be fully human, and that means being fully alive in God.'
The false identities that society imposes upon us, whether through our job titles, possessions, or the way others perceive us, can cloud our understanding of who we truly are. But when we turn to God and open ourselves up to His love and grace, we begin to understand that our worth and value come not from these external sources but from the very essence of who we are as beloved children of God. Throughout the retreat, you'll have the opportunity to participate in contemplative prayer, group discussions, and teachings designed to help you reconnect with the greatest love at the center of the world. You'll also have plenty of time to explore the beautiful desert landscape and reflect on the new year.
Here is a timeline of the schedule for the retreat:
Friday, January 27th:
7:00 AM: Carpool up
9:00 AM: Arrival and Check-in
9:30 AM: Welcome and Introduction to the Retreat
10:00 AM: Worship
11:00 AM: Session 1: Removing the False Identity of "I Am What We Do"- Invitation to Contemplative Prayer
2:00 PM: Session 2: Removing the False Identity of "I Am What People Say About Us"- Invitation to Ministry
4:00 PM: Session 3: Removing the False Identity of "I Am What I Possess"- Invitation to Theological Reflection
6:00 PM: Worship & Prayer
Saturday, January 28th:
8:00 AM: Break our Fast with a BREAK-FEAST
10:00 AM: Everwell Seek Discussion
12:00 PM: Lunch
It's a two-day event in which the schedule is detailed and you will be guided through different activities and sessions to help you understand the true self and break free from the false identities that society imposes on us.