We ask that our volunteers only serve one or two Sundays per month. We want you to be able to worship & hear God's Word the other Sundays.
Set Up/Tear Down Team
We need help setting up &/or tearing down our chairs & equipment. To set up, you will need to arrive at 8:30am. To tear down, you will need to stay about 30 minutes after the service.
Welcome Team
Are you friendly? We need people to welcome & provide direction to newcomers. To be a greeter, you will need to arrive at 9:45am.
Kid's Ministry Team
We love our Everwellies. We need volunteers to help teach & take care of our little ones. We have two rooms: 0-2 years & 3-5 years. To serve in Kid's Ministry, you will need to arrive at 9:45am.
Worship Team
Has God gifted musically? We are looking for people to join our worship team. To serve on our worship team, you will need to arrive at 8:30am
Prayer Team
We love prayer at Everwell Church & we need people that are available to pray for those in need on Sundays. We ask that you can be available during the last worship set on Sundays,
Tech Team
Do you love tech? We need help with audio & visual. You will need to arrive at 8:45am to help set up & run sound/audio.