The Rich Family

From Brooke: 11/19

I will be delivering today

via C-section. I started

having contractions &

bleeding at 4am and

they've increased and still

bleeding. So they want to

get baby out while I'm

stable and not dialated

since I'm breech.

Please prayers for me and

baby and Jesse. It's been a

really hard morning but

we believe God is in


Baby girl is coming

Pray with us as we pray for Brooke, Jesse & their baby girl. Brooke is 24 weeks pregnant with baby girl and will be in the hospital until she gives birth. We are praying the baby will stay in for at least another month, praying for emotional strength for Brooke & Jesse, and praying miraculous healing for Brooke & baby girl. Click link to support.

Ways to support

Those of you that have been asking how you can bless this family, you can donate to them directly to help pay for meals while they’re in the hospital using venmo (@jjrich) or we are putting together a gift basket for them with cards and blessings on sunday at everwell church and we will drop off the basket to them. we also ask for continued prayers for brooke, jesse & baby girl. prayers for emotional strength, physical health and that baby will grow stronger every day. thank you for blessing this sweet family.